Fans of economy is not a traditional large-scale manufacturing, but a new industry chain, based on the perception of the brand, the idol of identity on the basis of.
Fans and fans of economy is a hot topic in recent years. From Taiwan Qiang Zhang, is one of the earliest dedicated to idol worship, fan fan culture and economic researcher, fan and author of the book of strength. Interview she and we shared many wonderful views.
Of the creative world: when you begin to study the fans? How do we define the "fans"?
Qiang Zhang: I study fans from 2005 "Super girl" and began the emergence of Li Yuchun. At that time I was Tsinghua University PhD, found it interesting to fans, study abroad and fans have a history of twenty or thirty years, but at home is completely blank, so feel the need to study it. Fans definition of unnecessarily delved into it. For example, you see several times this TV series is the fans, or if you like an idol to what extent is the fans, you don't have to compare. You think you are, in theory no longer had a standard answer on today, and we are in the post-modern society does not have to go looking for a standard answer.
Of the creative world: speaking of fans, many people's first impression is quite negative. How do you think fans?
Qiang Zhang: Yes. So, last year I published a fan book of strength, fans are meant to name the most important. People generally feel that the fans are crazy, I did not emphasize their crazy side, that is the extreme case, not our areas to be discussed. I positive views of fans by, and fans increasingly wide number I think fans don't need care too it, fans with quality more important. Quality fans would repeat attention you,
Do you have emotional input.
Of the creative world: in recent years there has been a word "fans of economy", also shows fans consumption be the pre-eminent trend.
Qiang Zhang: fans the most representative is the Apple brand. Many people say that Apple is a religion, Steve is the founder, Apple store is the Church, Apple staff are missionaries. I say religious people will think I'm a little profanity, but the fact that it's a very vivid analogy. If you're an Apple fan, and when you come across another Apple fans, and will alert each other affection, at once a sense of identity. And it is the loyal Apple fans only makes Apple's brilliant today, Apple is no longer just a brand, is more of a symbolic, attitude and personality, but also an emotional significance.
Of the creative world: talk fan industry chain in General: how it works?
Qiang Zhang: reality TV show such as abroad, is the use of fans of the most successful case studies. It is the development of civilian resources, people around who are participating in the reality, it is easy to have a sense of identity. Family, relatives, friends and civilians into. During the show, some of the products and associated ad can naturally implants come in, such as chef's reality TV, kitchenware companies, food brand can be implanted. Its industrial chain is very complete, does not make you feel is unfair or too commercial. So, fans of economy is not a traditional large-scale manufacturing, but a new industry chain, based on the perception of the brand, the idol of identity on the basis of.
Of the creative world: you believe between fans and the idol is to do with it?
Qiang Zhang: idols and fans must have been an interdependent relationship, if the idol no fan, idols are not called idols. However, the idols and the relationship between fans and very complex, is both loved and hated. Because fans know about Idol, when Idol to live up to the fans when the fans are very clear. Many people think that fans are wild, irrational, fact fans was the forensic capabilities of ethnic groups. Their idols have emotional input, if the idol did not satisfy their emotional needs, they will feel they have been betrayed, failed to live up to. Between fans and the idol is a "water boat, can also overturn it" relationship, I can love you, you can also quickly abandoned. As a result of emotional contact with inputs, idols and brand relationships require careful management and the fans, the key is equal treatment of fans, with the heart of tolerance accepted in good faith in the face of fans.
Of the creative world: Fan communities in the course of the study, you come up with "emotional capital" concept. How to understand?
Qiang Zhang: emotional capital is the consumer investment sentiment in the media content and brands, building and television programmes, films and the star brand relationships, the relationship is long-term, loyal involvement. Star and the value of brands, priced in emotional capital. Definition of emotional capital and fans, you do not need too challenging, to delve into it in the end is high or low. Such as an entertainment brand and corporate image of companies know how to set up an Idol, know the value and significance of emotional capital of fans, and caring and developed it on it.
The creative world of: emotional capital needs to be developed and guided?
Qiang Zhang: Yes. Such as Super girl, are in fact very much like, such as I am fond of singing, with music ideal girl, to other player segment out, her personality is very important. Idol needs to have a real personality traits, to lead fans as well. Many favor the ugly side of entertainment figures, very dramatic, giving the impression is false. So, I think that if an idol to have true, natural qualities, allows fans to continue to put more feeling. Fan fan from consumption and economic point of view, this will also lead to more economic benefits and business value. Fans of the economy is in an age of media convergence in the new economic model, is the face of the creative community in response to an enterprise solution.
Of the creative world: the value of fans until today had not given sufficient attention?
Qiang Zhang: the reason I made fans of economic concepts, also from the perspective of communication and marketing to remind business operators do not simply consumers when consumers treat, but to try to turn consumers into loyal fans. You can analyze the behavior of fans, they have emotional input, and will require a certain return. Therefore, we should give hearty response, and affirm the importance and value of fans. You have to catch one of the most high quality fans, make them more equal dialogue with you, and in a more open mind, allowing fans to enter into your marketing system and participate in marketing activities, recommended fan loyalty is the best enterprise promotion.
Of the creative world: can give an example?
Qiang Zhang: fans do on the net in this respect have been very successful. They are not directly involved in the operation of the fan club, but to provide an open community platform, each fan club set up are fans voluntary, is also the head of their own selection, relationship to the fan network is cooperation on an equal footing. Fans networks in order to stimulate the flow will also take a number of means and measures to promote the popularity. I think that domestic enterprises are consumers, more of a relationship between a top to bottom, are not equal, especially the media held a superior attitude. In fact, the better is an equal relationship ripple, horizontal expansion. It will stimulate creative and unexpected power.
Of the creative world: mainly reflected in what place?
Qiang Zhang: the power of fans from "fan films", Otaku, and other phenomena can be seen. Fan is also a very creative group. Like Li Yuchun are corn based on her image and personality to write novels, doing some imagination was rich authoring. There is a case in point is fan of Obama, in an election in the process of doing a lot of really great design. Such as Obama's logo and "Change" logo is free to play, to engage in creative. It is an open platform, once you are very open, everyone will come in to play, can play a lot of good ideas.
Of the creative world: domestic problems are also open enough?
Qiang Zhang: domestic possible under the current institutional thicket, still unable to fully commercial operation. However, I think that fan domestic economic development, there is a process, is gradually to be understood and valued, is moving in a more mature, more commercial direction to go. In an increasingly pluralistic and creative society, fans of economy has to be the next important trends and trends.
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